Move over Tru Blood! Jones Soda presents the official drink of Sunnydale's vampire slayers.
This just in! If you're one of the thousands of thirsty Comic-Con attendees heading to the convention center tomorrow and you happen to be a Buffy The Vampire Slayer fan, listen up! Jones Soda, purveryors of fine fantasy-themed beverages, such as Dungeons & Dragons and Magic the Gathering sodas (ahh! The taste of carbonated red mana!) have got a new vampiric brew on tap for you here at San Diego Comic-Con.
Starting tomorrow morning, look for Jones Soda trucks driving around the Gaslamp district, dispensing Buffy The Vampire Slayer soda! We've got a preview of two of the flavors, "Dawn's a Centaur! Root Beer" and "Giles' Grape Potion." For more info on these beverages straight out of the Sunnydale High cafeteria vending machine, head to Jones Soda's official site. We'll surely be downing these tomorrow on our way into the Whedon/Abrams panel!
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